

Piattella: The Worlds best Hashish

Piattella (pee-ah-tell-uh) cannabis hash, a marvel of exceptional quality and craftmanship. This extraordinary hash is meticulously crafted using the techniques of 6-star fresh frozen bubble hash, combining the art of washing and curing to preserve resin in a truly special way. The result is a full-melt hash with an unparalleled level of terpene retention, offering a vaporizing experience with minimal residue and a chance to savor the freshness of hashish with every inhale.

Piattella Hash stands out as one of the finest types of hashish, delivering a sensory experience like no other. Its overall flavor, potency, and texture are second to none, thanks to the transformative power of the cold-curing process. While cold curing itself is not new, Piattella takes it to new heights by leveraging the passage of time and ambient temperature to intensify flavors, resulting in a distinct texture and appearance that captivates the senses.

The terpenes in Piattella Hash can sometimes exude from the product, reminiscent of cold-cure rosin with delightful pools of liquid terps throughout. Its buttery fudgy consistency can be effortlessly sliced with a knife, maintaining its shape without liquefying or dripping.

Piattella Hash truly is an exceptional product that every hash connoisseur must experience to fully appreciate its unrivaled quality and sublime essence. Suggested consumption method: dabbing, add to joint, bong topper.

Ultra Wilson

Aroma & Flavor: Diesel, Earthy, Herbal, Mango, Apricot, Spicy, Sweet, Tropical

Effect: Body High, Euphoria, Happy, Hungry, Relaxing, Sleepy, Uplifting